Saturday 27 August 2016


Well hello! It's lovely to see ya. Let us introduce ourselves! Monique is the lady in stripes, I'm (Kate) the chick in black. We're friends from way back (we're talking over ten years). On one of those occasions we were eating delicious food and indulging in a cheeky beverage we got chatting about our passions and career dreams. Monique mentioned that she had always wanted to write a children's book and of course, I jumped at the opportunity to try my hand at a bit more illustration. Within weeks, Monique had written this story about her mischievous but sweet sausage dog and I had fallen in love with Rocky. You see, he's a bit of a troublemaker. He's always getting himself into a pickle and we thought that not only could we share his adventures, we could teach a few lessons while we're at it.

Our first storybook is still a work in progress but we're hoping to have it printed by the end of the year. We'd love for you to get to know us (and Rocky) a little better so we'll be posting updates, sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes snaps here, on Instagram and on Facebook.

Kate + Monique